Eileen Quinn Kaisik
Eileen’s interest in photography began way back in high school and college when she took many photography courses, loved her Fujica film camera, and spent countless hours in the darkroom. In the years since, photography’s presence in her life fluctuated until, when over a decade ago, it reemerged like an old friend. That friend, of course, had evolved into the digital world, for the most part leaving film behind.
Eileen appreciates National Geographic’s philosophy to “keep photography honest in the era of Photoshop." As Eileen loves to spend her free time outdoors, at home in the Hudson Valley and also traveling to places near and far, she brings her Fujifilm digital camera to consider these wonderful places at a level beyond “just looking.” Sharing the beauty and interest of her photographs brings joy that comes with creative expression.
Eileen lives in Gardiner with her husband Franz and their two cats, Bodie and Bosco.